Ecstasies of Time
Topics: Ecstasies of Time (3 credits)
Cross-listed with Comparative Literature 16:470:516:01 and Philosophy 16:730:536:01
Professor Michael Levine
Cross-listed with Comparative Literature 16:470:516:01 and Philosophy 16:730:536:01
Professor Michael Levine
Co-instructed by Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz
W 4:30 - 7:10pm, 172 College Avenue, Seminar Room
The course will focus primarily on Heidegger's account of “ecstatic temporality” in Being and Time but also involve considerations of Aristotle on “suddenness,” Augustine on “rapture,” Hölderlin on “velocity” or Rapidität in Greek tragedy, and Freud and Derrida on belatedness or Nachträglichkeit. The seminar will be offered in conjunction with a four-part lecture/seminar series by David Farrell Krell, and is designed to provide students the opportunity to prepare extensively for these visits and to follow up afterward. Readings and discussions in English.
The course will focus primarily on Heidegger's account of “ecstatic temporality” in Being and Time but also involve considerations of Aristotle on “suddenness,” Augustine on “rapture,” Hölderlin on “velocity” or Rapidität in Greek tragedy, and Freud and Derrida on belatedness or Nachträglichkeit. The seminar will be offered in conjunction with a four-part lecture/seminar series by David Farrell Krell, and is designed to provide students the opportunity to prepare extensively for these visits and to follow up afterward. Readings and discussions in English.