

Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel. “‘Rapt Auditors!’ Burke and the Revision of Rhetorical Violence in Wordsworth’s The Prelude.” European Romantic Review n. pag. Print.



Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel. “Belle Trouvaille: Aisthesis and Philia in Billy Budd (after Beau Travail).” Handsomely Done: Aesthetics, Politics, and Media After Melville. N.p., 2019. Print.
Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel. Handsomely Done: Aesthetics, Politics, and Media After Melville. Northwestern University Press, 2019. Print.


Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel et al. “‘Freidigkeit Und Sensus Literalis Ex Christo: Zur Protestantisierung Der Parrhesie’.” Bella Parrhesia: Begriff Und Figur (Studien Zu Ästhetik, Theologie Und Politik Der Freien Rede in Der Neuzeit). Rombach Verlag, 2018. Print.
Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel. “Review: Theory at Yale by Marc Redfield.” Derrida Today 11.1 (2018): 121–128.


Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel. “Symposium Introduction: On Anthony Curtis Adler’s Celebricities.” Syndicate Lit. N.p., 2016.


Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel, Peter Gratton, and Marie-Eve Morin. “Romanticism.” The Nancy Dictionary. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015. Print.
Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel, Peter Gratton, and Marie-Eve Morin. “Freedom.” The Nancy Dictionary. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015. Print.
Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel. “Breaking Bad Ozymandias.” Oxford Literary Review 37.1 (2015): n. pag. Print.
Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel. “Corpus Mysticum in the Epoch of Literature: Burke’s Marie Antoinette (After German Romanticism).” Figurationen Des Politischen 2. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2015. Print.
Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel, Barbara Natalie Nagel, and Lauren Shizuko Stone. “Almost Nothing; Almost Everything: An Introduction to the Discourse of Flirtation.” Flirtations: Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction. New York: Fordham University Press, 2015. Print.
Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel. “Barely Covered Banter: On Flirtation in Double Indemnity.” Flirtations: Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction. New York: Fordham University Press, 2015. Print.
Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel. “The Double-Meaning of the With: Rethinking Relation After Simmel.” Flirtations: Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction. New York: Fordham University Press, 2015. Print.
Kasper, Judith, Cornelia Wild, and Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz. “Derrida’s Rome.” Rom Rückwärts. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2015. Print.


Cassin, Barbara et al. “Forcing/Forçage.” Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014. Print.